Functional Diagnostic Medicine in Victor, NY
Physicians specializing in the field of Functional Medicine are trained to utilize and most importantly interpret the most advanced medical technological testing procedures. Instead of the “cookbook” approach to disease… that is “name that disease and give a drug”, a growing number of discerning physicians are realizing the tremendous limitation to that approach.
It doesn’t matter what your diagnostic label is, it is finding the cause of your sickness that is important. If you merely mask symptoms with drugs and fail to find the underlying causes of your health problem, you set yourself up for the inevitable: more serious health problems.
Functional Diagnostic Medicine is a growing field of modern medicine. It offers a giant step forward in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of many of society’s chronic diseases.
Doctors practising functional diagnostic medicine are able to identify the real causes of many health conditions by combining the results of scientifically documented tests. These are not your standard medical tests but go to the next level investigating the biochemical and metabolic glitches likely to cause a specific disease process.
Based on the results of these tests, physicians are then able to develop personalized patient specific treatment protocols designed to reverse, stop or prevent the disease and its related symptoms.
Quit being a member of the disease-of-the-month club and join thousands of discerning health consumers who are finally getting real answers to their health challenges
When was the last time you really felt healthy?
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ferris. He will listen to your history and chief complaint(s).
Fill out a NAQ form. With your permission, and a completed release form, Dr. Ferris will request any previous lab work from your primary care physician and/or specialist. Once all this information is compiled and reviewed Dr. Ferris will write a narrative and schedule you for a follow-up consultation.
The next step is to determine if any advanced testing and/or other standard lab tests are necessary to provide a more complete picture to the underlying cause of your complaint(s). In many cases, at this point, the underlying metabolic and physiologic causes will have been interpreted. Now appropriate, specific, nutritional protocols can begin to help you toward a happier and healthier life.
To find out more, or to request an appointment please contact us today.
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