Chiropractic has many health benefits and can help treat or manage several conditions that cause pain, discomfort and other health issues. These conditions include migraines, joint pain,sports injuries, sciatica, herniated discs, chronic pain, and chronic pain. It’s also important to note that you don’t necessarily need to have health issues to get chiropractic adjustments. It can be part of your wellness regimen.
Stretching improves our flexibility by increasing our range of motion, making movement easier. In order to get the best results, stretching has to be a regular practice, like an exercise regimen. It’s important to stretch daily or at the very least 3 days a week.
Patients’ bodies have different reactions to chiropractic adjustments and treatments. It’s common to feel fatigued, and have soreness and pain in your joints and muscles immediately after which will go away over the next day. Bruising isn’t common but if you’re already prone to it, it can also happen.
Yes, a teenager can go to the chiropractor for adjustments. In fact, there’s been a growth in chiropractors who have a deeper understanding of how to adjust a young person’s back. Chiropractic adjustments have been found to be very beneficial to children and to be helpful in the management of many conditions. It can also be helpful if your teenager is an athlete. It’s important however, for parents to check with their child’s physician before they decide to take them to a chiropractor.
Shoulder tightness and tension is caused by different things including age, weak muscles, poor posture, bad alignment, incorrect sleeping and sitting positions, not having enough shoulder support on your chair, or a lack of mobility and flexibility.
Our daily routine can also impact our shoulders and leave them feeling tight. Everything from texting to sitting on our desk all day can lead to shoulder tension. In order to solve this, it’s important to stretch the area regularly. Go for a chiropractic adjustment to help solve the root cause.
Yes. Poor posture can create tension in your back and shoulders which can lead to headaches. By just sitting up straight and making sure that your back has ample support when you sit down, you could be able to avoid this.
Poor posture causes pain and health problems in your spine, back, and even your head. Sometimes you need a little help to correct your posture, and you can do this through yoga, stretching or chiropractic adjustments. Get in touch with a chiropractor to find out how to improve your posture and get rid of the side effects they cause.
Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism, controlled by the brain, spinal cord and nerves of the body. The vertebrae, which protects the brain and nervous system, when misaligned or subluxated, cause malfunction of the tissues and organs throughout the body. Chiropractic is based on a vitalistic philosophy and backed by science since its discovery over 105 years ago by Daniel David
(D.D.) Palmer.
The human body possesses a natural ability to restore itself. This ability depends on a healthy nervous system. Chiropractic treatment aims to improve the workings of the nervous system by using gentle manipulations of the spine and other extremities.
Doctors of chiropractic are specially trained in the evaluation and treatment of spinal conditions, which is why an increasing number of back pain sufferers are turning to us for fast, effective, and reliable care. The benefits of chiropractic care have also been shown to extend beyond the reduction and treatment of back and neck pain. Similarly, chiropractic has proven itself as useful in the reduction of headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, jaw pain, sciatica, and tingling in the arms and legs.
In some cases, it can be. If you come from a family with a history of spinal stenosis, you may have a higher risk of developing this condition due to its genetic trait. However, this is not a guarantee. Having a relative with spinal stenosis does not mean there’s a 100 percent chance that you’ll develop this condition. Similarly, in certain instances, developing spinal stenosis may not be a case of genetics at all.
This is sometimes the case, though it’s most often only seen in patients who suffer from severe spinal stenosis. In more extreme cases, the condition can cause difficulty in controlling the lower part of the body, including both the bowel and the bladder. This may lead to urinary and faecal incontinence.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition. However, that does not mean that all hope is lost. Many health practitioners may recommend that you partake in exercises and stretches to alleviate its symptoms. There are also surgical options that can help relieve the pressure on your spine, however, these bring with them their own set of complications. Chiropractic care offers a non-surgical alternative to help treat the symptoms of spinal stenosis.
Not necessarily. Pharmaceutical treatments for neuropathy only address the symptoms of the disease rather than the underlying cause of the issue. In saying this, there is nothing stopping you from using medication to help you manage your neuropathy if this works for you. Alternative methods such as chiropractic care, have, however shown to be beneficial in its treatment. On the other side of the coin, you will likely require medication to help manage your diabetes.
Nerve damage from diabetes cannot be reversed. This is because the body can’t naturally repair nerve tissues that have been damaged. While it is not possible to reverse the damage from neuropathy, there are a few ways in which you can manage the condition, including:
- lowering your blood sugar
- treating nerve pain
- regularly checking your feet to make sure they are free of injury, wounds, or infection
Since this condition causes damage to the nerves in your legs and feet, you may have reduced feeling in these areas which can lead to injuries if you are not careful. To prevent injuries and damage you should:
- regularly check your feet for open wounds or sores
- clip your toenails
- wash your feet with soap and water regularly
- avoid walking barefoot
Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. As with any profession, you should do your homework on a certain practitioner prior to visiting them to ensure that you are in good hands.
Yes, children can indeed benefit from chiropractic care. Typically, children are very physically active and experience many types of falls and blows from activities of daily living as well as from participating in sports. Injuries such as these may cause many symptoms including back and neck pain, stiffness, soreness or discomfort. Chiropractic care is always adapted to the individual patient and can be very gentle for children.
Believe it or not, it is safe for your baby to see the chiropractor from the day they are born! However, it is up to you as to when you feel it is necessary to bring your baby to visit your chiropractor for treatment.
Yes. Your chiropractor will not crank or adjust your baby’s spine in the way they would an adult spine. Instead, a very soft pressure is used to make gentle alignments.
Yes. Chiropractors can help babies in a variety of ways. These can range from helping your baby to sleep and treating colic. Give your chiropractor a call to discuss the particular issue that you would like to treat beforehand and he/she will be able to tell you if chiropractic treatment may help. In general, chiropractic treatment can also improve your baby’s overall immune system.
The hands-on nature of the chiropractic treatment is essentially what requires patients to visit the chiropractor several times. A chiropractor may provide acute, chronic, and/or preventive care thus making a certain number of visits sometimes necessary. Your chiropractor should tell you the extent of treatment recommended and how long you can expect it to last.
Chiropractic works by restoring your own God-given ability to be healthy. By restoring spinal function with Chiropractic adjustments, nerve interference by misaligned vertebrae is removed, thus allowing optimal nervous system function and normal health. The Chiropractic objective is to locate these vertebral subluxations, analyze and deduce the gentlest way to help the body correct them using a Chiropractic Adjustment; thus releasing the pressure on the spinal cord and nerves involved restoring healthy communication between the brain and the body. Renewed health is the natural result as the body returns to a more optimal state of performance. Your chiropractor will place their hands on the patient’s spine, directly over the subluxation, and apply a gentle direct force. This does NOT “put the bone back into place”; but rather unlocks jammed or fixated vertebrae from its position and permits it to move where the body needs it to go. Only the body’s innate wisdom knows exactly where the vertebra should go.
Anyone who wants to have optimal health, and a way to get there. Just like anyone with teeth should see a dentist; infants, children, seniors, and everyone with a spine should see a chiropractor.
Subluxation is a misalignment of the spinal bones that result in nerves getting choked or irritated and cause your body to mal-function. Subluxations have a multitude of causes. From the moment we are born we are subjected to a wider variety of physical, chemical and mental stressors. The first subluxation can occur as early as the birth process or very early in life. As a newborn infant is pulled from the birth canal, tremendous strain and traction is placed on the delicate structures of the spine in the neck as it is stretched and twisted. This can be one of the first causes of early vertebral subluxation. Other causes include poor sleeping habits, poor posture, strenuous exercise, sports injuries, stress, tension & anxiety, chemical exposure (i.e. drugs and medications), injuries at work, automobile accidents, and stumbles and falls.
You can have several but never know it. Like the early stages of tooth decay, heart disease, or cancer, subluxations can be present before warning signs appear. Your body only can sense 10% of any pain you have, so when you feel pain that is warning you that something is wrong, the subluxation itself may have been there a long time. For example, you may feel pain in your back today, but after getting examined by a chiropractor you may see in your x-ray that you have had subluxations since an injury when you were younger.
Chiropractic adjustments usually involve a gentle but quick thrust that helps add motion to spinal joints that aren’t moving right. Some methods use the doctor’s hands, an instrument, a special table or the force of gravity. There are many ways to adjust the spine and they vary for infants to adults to seniors.
Lubricating fluids separate the bones of each spinal joint. Some adjusting methods can produce a sound when the gas (mostly nitrogen) and fluids in the joint shift. It’s much like opening a bottle of champagne or removing a suction cup. The sound is interesting, but it isn’t a guide to the quality or value of the adjustment.
NO, some people can make their joints “pop”, but that’s not an adjustment! Worse, damage can occur by mobilizing a joint with weakened muscles and ligaments. Adjustments are specific skills that take years to master and only a licensed chiropractor can perform a specific chiropractic adjustment. Even your chiropractic doctor must consult a colleague to benefit from chiropractic care.
Depending on the degree of damage in your spine there may be weeks to months to years of corrective care to correct the cause of the underlying muscle weakness, soft tissue damage, and degenerative changes. This is followed up by wellness or maintenance care. Similar to brushing teeth, tuning up your car or regularly visiting a dentist, wellness care is important for maintaining optimal health, saving money, and enjoying a healthy lifestyle. How long you decide to benefit from Chiropractic is always up to you.
Today’s Doctor of Chiropractic is well educated with an educational curriculum similar to medical school. Special emphasis is placed on anatomy, neurology, biomechanics, nutrition, x-ray, physiology, diagnosis, and spinal adjusting. Post graduate education totals 7 years and demanding national and provincial board examinations must be passed. A chiropractor is a specialist in your spine and nervous system and subluxations – something no other health practitioner is trained in.
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