More visits. Less money. Comprehensive care for you and your family.
Zero Gravity Massage + Chiropractic + Soft Tissue + HyperVolt™
Price can be a reason why people don’t take care of themselves. ChiroClub™ eliminates that and packs a punch of incredible value. People are tired of endless copays for 1 condition at a time. Today’s astute patient prefers being able to take advantage of ALL the pain relief tools in one location for ONE LOW PRICE. This is chiropractic on your terms. Maybe you want your shoulder treated one visit and your knee on the next visit without all the copays adding up. When you join ChiroCub™ you’re in control of your wellness while addressing current and future pain syndromes.
Stay ahead of your pain and join the club. Instead of saying no to your favorite activities start saying yes …for one incredibly low price!
So what do I get?
2 board-certified chiropractic adjustments each month!
Full Body Massage in our Zero Gravity Frequency Massage Chairs
- Loosens up tight muscles
- Relieves Stress
- Adjustments holder longer
Active Release Technique™
- Doctor administered soft tissue
- Percussion device to rid tight muscles of scar tissue
Exclusive booking availability
(you can come see us whenever suits you!)
So what do I get?
Unlimited (non-consecutive days) board-certified chiropractic adjustments each month!
Full Body Massage in our Zero Gravity Frequency Massage Chairs
- Loosens up tight muscles
- Relieves Stress
- Adjustments holder longer
Active Release Technique™
- Doctor administered soft tissue
Cryofos Therapy™
- Thermal shock to eliminate inflammation-causing agents
- Percussion device to rid tight muscles of scar tissue
Exclusive booking availability
(you can come see us whenever suits you!)
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